Statement of Work

An overlooked workforce?
Real risks.

Shine a light on your hidden workforce

Modern organisations depend increasingly on contingent workers. But one area of the external workforce is often overlooked, unmanaged and undervalued—service providers operating under a Statement of Work (SoW). Finding a way to bring visibility to your SoW resources is critical. And we can help you do it. Minimising risks and costs. Giving you easy access to the skillsets you depend on.

Go from current to ideal state

Who owns SoW? What systems do they have access to? How is relevant data tracked and managed? Where are the opportunities and the risks? If you need answers to any or all these questions, we can help. Our global specialists will conduct a forensic review of your SoW approach, providing a clear picture of current processes and alerting you to inefficiencies, liabilities and risks. They can then work with you to optimise your SoW management—and keep it optimised.

Expertise where you need it

Not all organisations will be in the same place on their SoW journey or have the same SoW challenges. So we tailor and scale our solutions according to your needs using our modular solutions as building blocks. The result could be anything from a one-off clean-up of data or processes to full, strategic reviews or ongoing operational support. We can show you the benefits other organisations have achieved as a result.

Solve your SoW problems—and more

From creating talent pools of contingent workers to benchmarking pay, we have experts for all your flexible workforce needs.

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